📎Supported Plugins

If your desired plugin is not listed here, please inform me in Discord so I can add support to it.

Protection Plugins

  • ASkyBlock

  • BentoBox (BSkyBlock and AOneBlock)

  • Lands

  • SuperiorSkyblock

  • ProtectionStones

  • FabledSkyblock

Economy Plugins

  • Essentials

  • ShopGUI+

  • EconomyShopGUI

Stacker Plugins

  • RoseStacker

  • UltimateStacker

  • WildStacker

Hologram Plugins

  • CMI

  • DecentHolograms

  • HolographicDisplays

Other Plugins

  • AdvancedChests

  • ExecutableBlocks

  • PlaceholderAPI

  • ItemsAdder

  • RoseLoot

  • WorldGuard

Last updated