
# LitMinions by WaterArchery
# Wiki: https://waterarchery.gitbook.io/litminions-wiki/
# Spigot: https://www.spigotmc.org/members/waterarchery.963492/
# Builtbybit: https://builtbybit.com/members/waterarchery.164059/
# File Name: config
# Plugin Version: 3.0.5

Prefix: '&7[&bLitMinions&7] '
# Currently only en and tr available
Language: en
# The max distance between a chest and a minion
MaxChestDistance: 40
# Sends message to console when player place or pickup minion
DebugPlaceAndBreak: false
# Please set this to false
DebugItemSave: false
# If you set this to true
# players can't place Minions inside world guard region
DisableInWorldGuard: true
# If you set this to true, players can only place Minions
# where they can place blocks too.
AllowOnlyWherePlaceBlock: false
# If you set this to true, Minions will start as soon as player places them
# If you set this to false, they will be stopped.
DefaultMinionState: true
# If you change those, players can
# access the minion without being added
# on the minion.
  IslandMembers: false
  Owner: false
# If you make this true, it will disable
# item placing into Minion storages. Player will
# just be able to take items.
DisableItemPlacingStorage: true
# If you set this to true
# Minions range wouldn't be calculated as circle
CuboidRange: false
# Checks every block in every action
# with protection hook. It can cause too much lag
# Please set this to false unless you told to do.
CheckEveryBlockOnAction: false
# Set this true to make minions work only if owner is online
# Set this false to make minions work even if owner is offline
RequireOnline: true
# Cost of the teleporting a minion
TeleportPrice: true
# Removes the minion in the range of old island or claim.
RemoveMinionOnIslandOrClaimDisband: true
# These actions will be refund
# the removed minion to player.
  AfterIslandKick: true
  AfterIslandDisband: true
# cAsESenSitiVEWorld
- Example1
- cAsESenSitiVEWorld
# If you set this to true all gained items with Minions that have
# that smelt ability will be auto smelted.
# Disables minion talking entirely
DisableMinionTalk: false
# Which plugin's prices will be used in selling items on Seller Minion?
# You can set this to Essentials or ShopGuiPlus or EconomyShopGUI
SellerPriceHook: Essentials
# If you set this to true Minions will not move its arm.
DisableMoveAnimations: false
# Disables LumberJack minion to hook into WorldEdit.
DisableLumberjackMinionHookToFawe: false
# Disables duping with middle mouse click on creative
DisableCreativeDuping: false
# If you set this to true -> Players can't use next page item in Minion storage when max inventory exceeds current inventories
PreventStorageIfCant: true
# If you sett this to true -> The inventories which Minion's level is not enough will changed to other material.
  Enabled: true
  Material: ENDER_CHEST
  CustomModelData: -1
# If player left clicks a minion while sneaking
# removes the minion and gives the item to player
ClaimMinionSneaking: true
# If you have supported claiming or island plugin
# you can set this true to enable placing minion in only these areas
OnlyInIslandOrClaim: true
# If you set this to true -> coops of the islands or lands can
# place minions in islands.
AddCoops: false
# Force level in Minion name
# If you set this enabled, Minion name
# will contain level tag even if player change its name.
  enabled: false
  levelPlaceholder: ' &7[&c%level%&7]'
# If you set this to true
# Minion will keep its name after picking up.
KeepName: true
# If you set this to false Slayer Minion will no longer acts like
# player. So, quests and jobs will no longer progress in Minion kills.
SlayerActLikePlayer: false
# If you set this to false Miner Minion will no longer acts like
# player. So, quests and jobs will no longer progress in Minion blocks.
MinerActLikePlayer: false
# The amount of damage that slayer does.
SlayerDamage: 999
# This hologram will be shown in head of the minion
# You can set default state false to disable it automatically placed
  Enabled: true
  DefaultState: true
  AllowPlayerToggle: true
  HeightOffset: 4.5
  UpdateInSeconds: 3
  - '&b&lMINION'
  - ''
  - '&fOwner: &b%owner%'
  - '&fHunger: &b%hunger%/%maxHunger%'
  - '&fBroken Blocks: &b%stat%'
  - '&fCollectable EXP: &b%exp%'
  - '&fMinion Level: &b%level%'
  - '&fStorage Capacity: &b%storage%/%capacity%'
  - '&fMinion Status: &b%status%'
  - '%talkLine%'
# For example if a group named 'VIP' has permission 'minion.placevip'
# they can place 10 minions
- litminions.placedefault:5
- litminions.placevip:10
- litminions.placemvip:12
- litminions.placevip:10
# Prevents minion pickup if minion inventory has item
# If you set this to false, minion will drop its contents
PreventPickUpIfInventory: true
# Talk duration of Minions in seconds
TalkDuration: 4
# If you set this to true, minions will be dropped on tnt or creeper explosion
DropMinionsOnExplode: false
# You can set the default values of the Minion settings here.
  # If you set this to true, Minions will start as soon as player places them
  # If you set this to false, they will be stopped.
  MinionState: true
  # If you set this to true, Minions will have an hologram
  MinionHologramEnabled: true
  # If you set this to true, Minions will spawn particles
  # If you set this to false, Minions won't spawn particles.
  ParticleEnabled: true
  ParticleType: VILLAGER_ANGRY
# You can set different feed prices for each minion.
# You can use default value to remaining minions.
  # You can define prices here.
    feeder: 500
    miner: 500
    default: 300
      Material: APPLE
      FeedValue: 10
      Material: APPLE
      Name: '&cSecret Apple'
      - '&cSecret Item With Secret Lore'
      - '&cYou can feed your Minions with this!'
      CustomModelData: -1
      FeedValue: 10
# Minion place item which players get from shop or via admin command
  Name: '&b%type% Minion &7[&cLEVEL %level%&7]'
  # You can use Minecraft blocks like 'ENDER_CHEST
  # Or you can use Minion to get Minion's custom head
  # Or you can use Player to get Player's custom head
  # Or you can use HEAD-VALUE to use custom heads
  Type: Minion
  CustomModelData: -1
  - ''
  - '&7You can place this &bminion'
  - '&7and start it''''s task.'
  - '&7Don''''t forget to &bgive him a job.'
  - ''
  - '&7Minion Type: &b%minion%'
  - '&7Minion Level: &b%level%'
# You can set custom place item for each Minion type
    Name: '&b%type% Minion &7[&cLEVEL %level%&7]'
    Type: Minion
    CustomModelData: -1
    - ''
    - '&7You can place this &bminion'
    - '&7and start it''''s task.'
    - '&7Don''''t forget to &bgive him a job.'
    - ''
    - '&7Minion Type: &b%minion%'
    - '&7Minion Level: &b%level%'
# You can set limit for each type
# If you don't want to use this
# If you don't want to use this
  enabled: false
    '3': litminions.placedefault
    '5': litminions.placevip
# You can set limit Minion placing for each island and claim
# You need to use supported island or claim plugin for using this
  enabled: false
  actLikePerType: false
  '20': litminions.placedefault
    '40': litminions.placevip
    '50': litminions.placevip+
  # There is only SQLite available for now. MySQL will be added soon
  Type: SQLite
  # in minutes
  DataSaveInterval: 15

Last updated