Frequently Asked Questions
How can I disable Minion inventories?
You can set "MaxStorage" propery under every level of the every minion which located in minions folder to 0. This will disable storages and items will be dropped into ground or transferred into linked chest. Also, you need to remove
part under minions/items section.
Do not remove it under common_items section. Just remove under minion items.
How can I reach to support server?
You can join support server with this invite link:
How can I disable Minion talks?
Just set this part to true in config.yml.
How can I change the blocks that transforms in Farmer Minion placement?
You can change them in farmer.yml file located in minions folder. Under IgnoredActions you can set the changing type into blacklist or whitelist. After that you can specify the blocks that you want to transform or not.
Last updated