
# LitMinions by WaterArchery
# Wiki: https://waterarchery.gitbook.io/litminions-wiki/
# Spigot: https://www.spigotmc.org/members/waterarchery.963492/
# Builtbybit: https://builtbybit.com/members/waterarchery.164059/
# File Name: lang-en
# Plugin Version: 3.0.5

MinionIsNotLoaded: '&7You can''t &baccess this Minion. &7It is not loaded.'
ToggledHologram: '&7You &bsuccessfully &7toggled your hologram.'
MinionStarted: '&7You successfully &astarted &7your &bMinion.'
MinionStopped: '&7You successfully &cstopped &7your &bMinion.'
ToggledParticle: '&7You successfully &btoggled your Minion particles.'
ParticleChanged: '&7You successfully changed your &bMinion Particle.'
PlayerTrusted: '&7You successfully added &b%player% &7on your Minion.'
PlayerAlreadyTrusted: '&7This player is &balready trusted &7in this &bMinion.'
PlayerCantTrustSelf: '&7You can''t trust yourself.'
PlayerUntrusted: '&7You successfully &buntrusted &7this player'
  Working: '&aWorking'
  NotWorking: '&cNot Working'
  ParticleActive: '&bEnabled'
  ParticleDeactive: '&cDisabled'
  Owner: '&bOwner'
  User: '&eUser'
# This is called when command args exceed the maximum
TooManyArgs: '&7You entered &btoo many arguments &7for this command.'
# This is called when command args are too few for the command
TooFewArgs: '&7You entered &btoo few arguments &7for this command.'
# This is called when on of the command arg is invalid
InvalidArg: '&7You entered a &binvalid argument &7for this command. You entered &e%used%
  &7but correct one is &e%correct%!'
# This is called when on of the sub command arg is unknown
UnknownCommand: '&7You entered a &bunknown command &7for this command.'
# You can use hex colors like: &#e3d871
MinionPlaced: '&7You successfully placed &b%type% &7minion. Your minion limit is &b%current%/%max%'
LimitReached: '&7Your minion limit is exceed &7(&c%current%/%max%&7). You need to
  &brank up &7in order to place more minions.'
PerLimitReached: '&7Your per type minion limit is exceed &7(&c%current%/%max%&7).
  You need to &brank up &7in order to place more minions in this type.'
PerIslandReached: '&7Your per island minion limit is exceed &7(&c%current%/%max%&7).'
RotatedMinion: '&7You successfully rotated your minion.'
CancelledRename: '&7You cancelled your &bminion''s&7 rename operation.'
RenamedMinion: '&7You successfully renamed your minion name to &b%name%&7.'
ChangedSkin: '&7You successfully changed skin of your minion to &b%name%&7.'
RenameMaxCharError: You can only set a name below 32 character.
CantUseSpaces: You can't use spaces in skin setting.
CantGetSkin: '&7There is a problem happened while getting skin that you want.'
RightClickChest: '&7Click to the chest you want to link.'
ChestFarAway: '&7Selected chest is too far from your minion.'
ChestLinked: '&7You successfully linked your chest.'
ChestUnlinked: '&7You successfully unlinked your chest.'
RemovedMinion: '&7You successfully removed your minion. &b%minion% &7minion with level
  &b%level% &7added to your inventory.'
UpgradedMinion: '&7You successfully upgraded your minion to level &b%newLevel% &7from
  level &b%oldLevel%'
NotEnoughMoneyUpgrade: '&7You need &b%price% &7for upgrading your minion.'
NeedUpgrade: '&7You need to upgrade your &bminion &7to use that ability.'
ThereIsNoNextLevel: '&7Your minion is already in the &blast level.'
RemoveItems: '&7Your minion contains items in storage [&b%storages%&7]. You need to
  collect them in order to &bpick up &7your minion.'
DontOwnStorage: '&7You can only open storages up to &b%storage%&7.'
DontOwnMinion: '&7You don''t own any &bminions&7. You can buy one of them with &b/minion
CantAffordTeleport: '&7You can''t afford &bteleport &7to this minion. You need &b%teleportPrice%$&7.'
CantAffordFeed: '&7You can''t afford &bfeed &7this minion. You need &b%feedPrice%$&7.'
AlreadyFed: '&7Your Minion already has &bmax hunger&7.'
TeleportedToMinion: '&7You successfully teleported to &byour Minion&7.'
FedMinion: '&7You successfully fed &byour Minion&7.'
NothingToFeed: '&7There is no Item in storage that &bfeeds the Minion &7or your Minion''s
  hunger is full.'
CantFeedWithThisItem: '&7You can''t feed your &bMinion &7with this item.'
MinionNearby: '&7This location is too close to a &bminion&7. Place select a &bdifferent
ItemsSold: '&7Your seller minion named &b%name% &7sold your items for &b%money%$ &7with
  tax &b%%tax%'
NotForSale: '&7This minion is &cnot for sale&7. You can''t buy this minion in market.'
NotEnoughMoney: '&7You don''t have &benough money &7to buy this minion. You need &b%price%$'
BoughtMinion: '&7You successfully bought &b%type% Minion&7. Place it and make him
  work for you.'
MinionNotFound: '&7There is no minion named &b%minion%&7 with level &b%level%&7.'
MinionGetSuccessful: '&7You successfully got the &b%minion% Minion&7.'
MinionGiveSuccessful: '&7You successfully give the &b%minion% Minion &7to &b%player%&7.'
PlayerNotFound: '&7The player named &b%player% &7not found.'
YouDontOwnThisMinion: '&cYou don''t own this minion.'
ReloadPlugin: '&7You successfully reloaded the plugin.'
NoPermission: '&cYou don''t have permission to use this command.'
NoPermissionSkin: '&cYou don''t have permission to use this skin.'
SkinChanged: '&7You successfully changed your &bminion''s skin to %skin%&7.'
PlayerNotOnline: '&7This player is not online.'
CantBuildHere: '&7You can only place &bminions &7in places where you are trusted.'
NotEnoughInventory: '&7Your Minion &bdoes not have enough inventory &7count. It only
  has &b%count% &7inventories.'
MinionNumberNotFound: '&7You don''t have a &bminion with that number.'
SpawnerSelected: '&7You successfully selected &b%mob% spawner&7.'
CantSelectSpawner: '&7You need to &bupgrade your Minion &7to select this spawner.'
WaitToPickUp: '&7You need to wait &b2 seconds &7to pick up &byour Minion&7.'
NotNumber: '&7Your input is not a number.'
ClickTop: '&7You need to click &bblock''s top &7to place Minions.'
CantPlaceWorldGuard: '&7You can''t place &bMinions &7inside this region.'
CreativeDisabled: '&7You can''t place &bMinions &7on Creative.'
DisabledWorld: '&7You can''t place &bMinions &7in this world.'
NeedToBeSameIsland: '&7You need to be in the &bsame island location &7with the &bMinion
  &7to do that action. You can &bteleport to you Minion &7and collect it.'
NeedToBeLoaded: '&7You need to be in the &bsame island location &7with the &bMinion
  &7to do that action.'

LastLevelPlaceHolder: LAST LEVEL
YesPlaceHolder: ✔
NoPlaceHolder: ✖
  SOUTH: South
  EAST: East
  WEST: West
  NORTH: North
- '&7You can buy minions with &b/minion shop'
- '&7You can see your minions &b/minion myminions'
- '&7You can see this message with &b/minion help'
- '&7You can see minion''s inventory &b/minion openinv <minionNumber> <inventoryNumber>'
- '&7You can see admin commands &b/litminions'
- '&7You can see player commands with &b/minion help'
- '&7You can migrate from other minion plugins with &b/litminions migrate <minion
- '&7You can give minion to players with &b/litminions give <minion> <player> [level]'
- '&7You can get minions with &b/litminions get <minion> [level]'
- '&7You can see player''s minions &b/litminions minions <player>'
- '&7You can reload plugin with &b/litminions reload'
- '&7You can see this message with &b/litminions help'
- '&fBeing a &&c%type% &fis very hard.'
- '&eSun &fis shining!'
- '&fCan I rest a little bit?'
- '&fOwww, I found &bdiamonds! &fNah, just kidding.'
- '&fI wonder my brother works for who?'
- '&fDon''t you scared in case I escape while you don''t look?'
    title: Enter Player Name
    text: Enter Player Name
    title: Enter Name
    text: Enter the name you want to set
    title: Enter Skin Name
    text: Enter the skin name you want to set
  miner: Miner
  fisher: Fisher
  slayer: Slayer
  seller: Seller
  farmer: Farmer
  healer: Healer
  collector: Collector
  lumberjack: Lumberjack
  feeder: Feeder
  spawner: Spawner

Last updated