Last updated
Last updated
# LitTournaments by WaterArchery
# Wiki:
# Spigot:
# Builtbybit:
# File Name: en
# Plugin Version: 1.0.0
NoPermission: '&7You don''t have enough &bpermission to execute &7this command.'
ConfigReloaded: '&bConfig and lang files reloaded successfully.'
InGameOnly: '&7You can only use this command from &bin-game.'
UnknownCommand: '&7There is &bno command &7with this &bsub command.'
TooManyArgs: '&7You entered &btoo many arguments &7for this command.'
TooFewArgs: '&7You entered &btoo few arguments &7for this command.'
InvalidArg: '&7You entered a &binvalid argument &7for this command.'
NoTournamentWithName: '&7There is &bno tournament &7with this name!'
JoinFirst: '&7You need to &bjoin this tournament &7before leaving!'
AlreadyJoined: '&7You already &bjoined this tournament!'
SuccessfullyRegisteredOnJoin: '&7You successfully registered to a tournament!'
SuccessfullyRegistered: '&7You successfully registered to this tournament!'
SuccessfullyLeaved: '&7You successfully leaved from this tournament!'
StillLoading: '&7Your data is &bstill loading &7please wait for &byour tournaments!'
FilesReloaded: '&bAll files reloaded successfully!'
None: '&7None'
NotRegistered: '&7Not Registered'
RemainingTime: '&c%day% days %hour% hours and %minute% minutes'